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Leavew8's Avatar
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Many men tell me that their wives will never admit they are wrong, and honestly I see this more than the gender inverse in couples counseling. Many women struggle with admitting they are wrong, and instead of this being a narcissistic issue (although certainly sometimes it is), it really stems from massive insecurity and low self-esteem.

Many women struggle with depression, and the most common type is atypical depression. One hallmark of this is rejection sensitivity. This means that your wife is so sensitive to being potentially rejected or criticized that she is highly defensive when she feels others think she is wrong.

Other women cannot admit they are wrong because they have tendencies toward Borderline Personality Disorder. People who struggle with this have such deep seated self esteem issues and are so terrified of abandonment that they cannot open themselves up to potential loss by admitting they were wrong about something

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NEW POST Post # 2
Shawfdz8's Avatar
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In my experience a LOT of women basically never apologize for anything. And if they do, they do it bedrugingly and are angry at you about it.

Also, many never express thanks for anything. These are actually two filters I use in dating; if it seems a woman is not capable of either apologizing or expressing gratitude, I move on. Honestly these two easily filter out the large majority of women.

As for what you should do now that you’ve married such a woman, talked to her about it, and she refuses to change… I don’t know.
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Sigosy Nimt's Avatar
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